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eggless brownies recipe | chocolate brownie


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total: 40 minutes

Servings: 9


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Step 1

Grease a 7 x 2 inches square baking pan with some oil or softened butter if you like.

Step 2

First measure all the ingredients and keep them ready.

Step 3

In a mixing bowl or pan, take whole wheat flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt.

Step 4

With a whisk, mix everything very well. You can even sift this flour mixture if you want. Keep aside. Preheat the oven at 200° C/392° F for 15 minutes.

Step 5

Take 1 cup water in a pan and heat it on a low to medium flame.

Step 6

When the water become hot (but not boiling), lower the heat and then add sugar, cocoa powder and then add oil.

Step 7

With a spatula begin to mix everything very well. The sugar should dissolve and the cocoa powder should mix evenly with water. With the spatula or whisk, break the lumps of cocoa powder if any.

Step 8

Let this mixture come to a boil on medium-low heat.

Step 9

Switch off the heat and add the bubbling hot cocoa mixture to the dry flour mixture.

Step 10

Also add vanilla extract.

Step 11

With a spatula or wired whisk, begin to mix both the wet and dry ingredients lightly.

Step 12

The mixture will be hot, so be careful while mixing and also mix lightly. Do not over do. A few tiny flour specks in the batter are fine.

Step 13

The brownie batter has a thick consistency and does not flow freely but loose (much like a halwa consistency).

Step 14

If the batter looks too much thick, then the one showed in photo at step 15 above, then please add a few tablespoons of hot water and then mix again.

Step 15

The water required depends on the quality of whole wheat flour. So please keep some hot water handy, if you need to add it.

Step 16

Now place the brownie batter with the spatula in the baking pan.

Step 17

Shake the pan, so that the batter spreads and evens out. Also using a spatula spread and make the batter even.

Step 18

Bake brownie in the pre heated oven at 200° C/392° F for 30 to 40 minutes. Do not open the oven door till ¾ᵗʰ of the brownie is done. Since oven temperatures vary, do keep a check. In a convection oven, preheat as well as bake at 180° C/356° F.

Step 19

Check with a tooth pick and if the tooth pick comes out clean, remove the pan from the oven.

Step 20

Do not over bake the brownie as then the top will get dried out and become crusty.

Step 21

Once the brownie becomes warm or cools down, you can remove it from the tray or you can slice in the baking pan itself.

Step 22

Slice and serve chocolate brownies. If not serving immediately, then store in an airtight container in the fridge. In a cool and cold climate, you can keep these brownies outside at room temperature for 1 to 2 days.

Step 23

While serving brownies, you can sprinkle some powdered sugar or confectioner's sugar on the top layer.

Step 24

You can even serve the brownies with some chocolate or caramel syrup on top. Or make a dessert of vanilla ice cream served with the brownies.

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