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honeydew melon milk tea - boba


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Prep Time: 15 minutes

Total: 15 minutes

Servings: 2


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Step 1

Add tea bag to 1 cup (235ml) of boiled water. Let steep for 5 minutes. Remove the bag and let the tea cool down completely (preferably in the fridge).

Step 2

Add tapioca pearls to a pan full of boiling hot water.

Step 3

Let simmer for about 5-6 minutes. If you want the pearls to be softer, cook for longer. If you want them chewier, cook for less long.

Step 4

Remove from heat and strain through a sieve. If you don't have a sieve, simply scoop out the balls with a spoon/spatula.

Step 5

Immediately cover with sugar. Give it a good stir. Set aside.

Step 6

Peel honeydew and remove the seeds. Cut into small pieces and add to a blender (or food processor). Add milk and blend until completely smooth.

Step 7

Optional: add ice cubes & matcha and blend again. This will make it super refreshing & add a green tone.

Step 8

To serve, add tapioca balls to a large glass. Serve with crushed ice if desired. Then add (cooled down) tea and honeydew/milk mixture.

Step 9

Stir well and add more sweetener if desired. Enjoy!

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