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no-churn vanilla ice cream


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total: 255 minutes

Servings: 6


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Step 1

Place an airtight container, which will contain the ice cream, into the freezer to chill.

Step 2

Pour the cream into a heavy based saucepan and place over a medium heat. Bring the cream to just below the boil.

Step 3

Prepare a double boiler by having a saucepan with lightly simmering water which will hold a heatproof bowl.

Step 4

Meanwhile, combine egg yolks and caster/superfine sugar in the heatproof bowl. Using a whisk or hand-held electric beaters, whisk them together until they are light, fluffy and lemon-coloured.

Step 5

Slowly pour the near-boiling cream onto the yolk and sugar mixture, whisking vigorously. Do not pour too quickly, you need to temper the eggs. See Note 4

Step 6

When all the cream has been added, place the bowl over the saucepan of barely simmering water on the lowest possible heat.Stir constantly with a wooden spoon in a figure of 8 until the custard begins to thicken. Don’t be tempted to do this over high heat. You may end up with scrambled eggs.

Step 7

The custard is ready when it lightly coats the back of a wooden spoon. To test, run your finger along the back of the spoon – if it leaves a clear trace the custard is ready.

Step 8

Strain the custard through a fine sieve into a clean bowl and leave to cool on the kitchen bench, stirring occasionally so that a skin doesn’t form.

Step 9

When the custard is cool, flavour with vanilla paste or extract to taste. It is important to over-flavour as the ice cream will lose flavour once frozen.Pour the ice cream into the chilled container and place in the freezer.

Step 10

Remove from the freezer and stir the mixture with a fork every half hour for about 3 hours until the mixture is mostly set.Once mostly set, leave to freeze completely – it’s roughly a total of 4 hours. – see Note 5

Step 11

Before serving, remove the ice cream from the fridge for about 10 minutes to allow it to soften slightly.Store the ice cream in the freezer in a freezer-safe, shallow, airtight container. As an extra precaution against the formation of ice crystals, press a piece of plastic wrap onto the surface of the ice cream. The ice cream will have the best flavour for 5-7 days.