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pan-fried chives cake dumplings


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 45 minutes

Cook Time: 12 minutes

Total: 57 minutes

Servings: 2


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Step 1

Preheat a large skillet/wok. Add canola oil. Add in the garlic and stir-fry for about 10 seconds, add the chives, soy sauce, sugar and wine. Cook until the chives just turn soft, but not mushy or completely cooked. Have a taste and add more soy sauce if needed

Step 2

Remove from the heat and let it cool completely while you prepare the dough

Step 3

Mix all the sauce ingredients in a small sauce pan and cook until the sugar is melted. Remove from the heat

Step 4

Preparing the dough:

Step 5

Mix all the flour together in a mixing bowl. Add in salt and stir to combine them. Pour in hot boiling water and stir to combine to start with. It will be sticky and eventually, you will need to use your hands to knead the dough

Step 6

Dust your work surface with some tapioca flour. Place the cooked dough on the dusted surface and knead the warm dough. Try to manage with as little starch as you can so you won't have starchy tasting chives cake later. Knead until you get a clean non-sticky dough

Step 7

Divide the dough into half and then half again until you get 10 equal balls of dough. Cover with a plastic wrap or damp kitchen towel and let them rest for about 15 minutes

Step 8

Pick up one dough at a time, flatten the dough with your palm and then pick the flatten dough up and use your fingers to stretch the dough into a 4 to 5-inch circle, be gentle not to tear the dough

Step 9

Prepare your steamer and let the water boil and then lower the heat as you wrap the chives cake. Bring the water to boil again when you are ready to steam

Step 10

Place about 1 Tbsp of the filling into the middle of the dough. Fold the edges towards the middle and you can even make pleats on them if you want. Pinch to seal. Lay every piece on a parchment paper you have cut. Repeat with the rest of the dough and filling. Depending on how big of a steamer you have, you may need to steam in batches. I steamed mine once I have 4-5 chives cake wrapped up. I did this in 2 batches. Steam for about 8-10 minutesBrush each cake with oil. Set aside to cool down before proceed to pan-frying. If you are not pan-frying, then you can let them cool down a bit and then enjoy the cake with the sauce

Step 11

Let the steamed cakes to cool down completely before pan-frying to prevent sticking to the pan.

Step 12

Preheat a medium to large pan over medium-high heat. Add in about 2 Tbsp of cooking oil into the pan. Carefully place the chives cake into the pan and let it pan-fry until golden brown or until you are happy with the color

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