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racuchy z jabłkami: polish apple pancakes


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total: 25 minutes

Servings: 12

Cost: $3.31 /serving


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Step 1

Peel the apples. Grab each apple by the top and the bottom of the core and grate it using large holes. Place in a strainer over a bowl, and let the grated apples sit there for now.

Step 2

Get a large bowl. Sift the flour. Gradually pour in the milk, mixing together with a whisk (fork works well too).

Step 3

Add 2 eggs, 3 teaspoons of baking soda, 2 teaspoons of powdered sugar, a pinch of salt and optionally - a teaspoon of cinnamon.

Step 4

Mix everything together well. The batter should be smooth and ideally lump-free.

Step 5

Add grated apples to the batter, blend everything together with a spatula.

Step 6

Grease the frying pan with clarified butter (regular butter tends to burn, you can use canola oil instead). Set it on a medium heat.

Step 7

Using a small ladle (or just a regular tablespoon), pour the batter onto the frying pan and form a small pancake. Make sure the pancake isn't too thick! Repeat until you're out of space on the pan.

Step 8

Fry the pancakes for 2-3 min on each side until golden.

Step 9

Repeat until you're out of batter. Keep them warm in a low oven as you go (optional).

Step 10

Serve warm or cold. Top with cream, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

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