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air fryer blooming onion


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 18 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Because the onion will be very hot, to easily remove the hot onion from the air fryer basket, use a piece of aluminum foil to make an aluminum foil sling for easy lifting.

Step 2

Remove the outer skin of the onion and cut off the top, placing the cut side facing down.

Step 3

Using a cutting board and a sharp knife, slice from the middle of the onion, leaving a small uncut circle in the center. Make 8-10 evenly spaced slices from top to bottom of the entire onion, and through all of the layers, leaving the center connected and root intact to the onion petals.

Step 4

Place onion in ice cold water and let it sit for about 1-2 hours to soften the onion petals to help them separate to coat.

Step 5

In a medium bowl, combine the flour with the spices. Add one cup of water to the dry ingredients, stirring until it forms into a batter. Add one tablespoon of water or extra flour if necessary.

Step 6

Drain onion from the water, patting dry with a paper towel if needed. Open the onion slices, spreading them as much as possible without tearing the center.

Step 7

Place onion in a deep bowl, and dip onion or spoon the batter over the onion, making sure to coat onion sections evenly. Shake of excess batter, and then coat the onion with breadcrumbs.

Step 8

Spray your Air Fryer basket with non-stick cooking spray or line the basket with parchment paper. Place the coated onion cut-side down, in Air Fryer basket.

Step 9

To help your blooming onion crisp, lightly spritz the onion petals with cooking oil spray, and air fry at 380ºF for 18-20 minutes until golden brown color with a crispy coating.