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duck breasts with kumquat sauce
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 1 hours, 30 minutes

Total: 1 hours, 30 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Preheat the oven to 80 ° C; If possible, check the temperature with an oven thermometer, because the cooking time is only correct if it is strictly adhered to. If in doubt, set the oven to 70 ° C.

Step 2

Wash the kumquats thoroughly under hot water. Then cut into thin slices together with the peel. Bring the water with the sugar to the boil, add the kumquats and simmer for 2 minutes; all the liquid should evaporate if possible. Stand on its side.

Step 3

Salt and pepper the duck breasts and fry immediately in the very hot (important!) Butter, first on the fat side for 3 minutes, then on the meat side for 1 minute. Take out of the pan, place in a gratin dish and let rest for 1 hour at 80 ° C on the second lowest oven groove. Do not cover, otherwise heat will build up and the meat will cook too quickly.

Step 4

Pour off the frying fat; Dissolve very dark roasting meat with a dash of water and drain. Pour in the orange and lemon juice as well as the white wine and reduce everything by half. Then add the poultry stock and the Grand Marnier and let everything boil down again. Finally, add the kumquat slices to the sauce. Set the sauce aside in the pan until serving.

Step 5

Immediately before serving, bring the sauce to the boil and add the butter in flakes. Let soak into the sauce while stirring. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Step 6

Carve the duck breasts and arrange in a preheated platter. Cover with the sauce. Serve immediately.

Step 7

Small cubes of raw potatoes, which are fried in plenty of butter, and / or a lentil vegetable are ideal as a side dish.

Step 8

What to Prepare:

Step 9

The kumquat slices can be blanched in sugar water a few hours in advance.

Step 10

Fry the duck breasts about 1 1/4 hours before eating and place in the oven. Then prepare the sauce except for the butter.

Step 11

If you like, briefly blanch the diced potatoes in boiling salted water, then they can be kept for 1 to 2 hours without discoloring.

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