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easy rough puff pastry
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Servings: 8


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Step 1

In a medium sized bowl, toss together the flour and salt.

Step 2

Then using a box grater or a hand grater, grate in the frozen butter into the flour mixture. Don't stress if it looks like cheese shreds, you should aim for the size of the butter shreds to be small, but I'm not particular!

Step 3

When all the butter is grated into the flour mixture, toss with your hands until each piece of butter is coated with flour. This should take less than 30 seconds, it's just a quick toss!

Step 4

Aim to crumble the butter with your hands until no piece is bigger than a lentil, do this after the butter is coated in flour to make it a bit easier. This should also take less than 30 seconds, don't overthink it, there's no need to be perfect!

Step 5

Once the butter is crumbled, you'll have a dry, gravel like consistency. Using a fork to whisk constantly, drizzle the ice water into the flour mixture until it is evenly distributed.

Step 6

Then switch to using your hands to work the mixture into a rough dough. This will take a few kneads and presses, but it should come together relatively quickly.

Step 7

Take the ball of dough you have formed and place it in the center of a sheet of plastic wrap. Push the dough down until it is about 1-2 inches thick. If you want to get particular about shape, I recommend trying to form it into a rectangle. Cover tightly with the plastic wrap.

Step 8

Once it is wrapped, take a rolling pin and roll over the dough until it is firmly packed throughout the plastic wrap.

Step 9

Chill the dough for 20-30 minutes. You can also chill the dough in the fridge for up to 7 days, or until you are ready to use it!

Step 10

Once you are ready to use the dough, cut it into 2 pieces and lightly dust a flat surface with flour. Preheat your oven to 400F.

Step 11

Place one piece on the floured surface and then flip so both sides are lightly coated with flour. Begin to roll out to your desired shape.

Step 12

If you happen to see butter break through the seal of the dough, just lightly reseal with a small touch of flour. It's not the end of the world! No need to stress it.

Step 13

Depending on how you cut your dough, reuse the scraps and roll out again, repeating until you have no dough left.

Step 14

It's good to use as little flour as possible in this process, but don't be shy if you feel you need it! I've found the instructions to not use flour is what stresses out most people during this process.

Step 15

When you are ready to bake, place the pastry on a parchment lined baking sheet and brush with egg wash. Bake at 400F for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. Baking time might adjust slightly based off if the pastry has any topping or filling!

Step 16

Serve immediately!

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