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kluski śląskie (silesian kluski)


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Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total: 35 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Peel potatoes, cut them into chunks.

Step 2

Fill the cooking pot with water, bring to a boil. Dissolve 2 generous pinches of salt.

Step 3

Drop potato chunks in, reduce the heat ever-so-slightly and cook them until soft (15-20 minutes is usually enough).

Step 4

Strain potatoes through a sieve and leave them on the side to cool off. Once cooled, push cooked potatoes through a ricer, or blend them in a food processor until smooth.

Step 5

Move potato mash into a large bowl with a wide base; you can use a wide cooking pot for this purpose as well. Tap the potato mash, to compress it a bit.

Step 6

Divide the mash into four equal parts. Temporarily remove one part and fill up the remaining gap with potato flour. Return the part of the mash we have removed,  season with 2 generous pinches of salt.

Step 7

Combine the ingredients, then start kneading by hand, until a smooth dough forms and form a ball. For troubleshooting, refer to the recipe notes.

Step 8

Dust your work surface with potato flour - that’s where we’re line assembled kluski before cooking.

Step 9

Rinse your hands with some cold water, or grease them with a touch of neutral cooking oil.  Tear off small pieces of dough (roughly the size of a large walnut, or a ping-pong ball). Form a round ball, then make an indent in the middle by pressing it with your finger. Set aside on the worktop and repeat the process until you’re out of dough.Pro tip: If you want to prepare these kluski an hour or two in advance - you can. Just leave formed kluski on the flour-dusted worktop and cover them with a kitchen cloth/tea towel. They can wait until you’re ready to boil them - without losing their shape, flavour or texture.

Step 10

Fill a large cooking pot with water, bring it to a boil. Dissolve 3 teaspoons of salt. Reduce the heat to medium.Pro tip: Is it your first attempt making these? Here’s a hack: Before cooking kluski, dissolve a spoonful (or two) of potato flour directly in the boiling water. This will help your kluski stay intact while cooking.

Step 11

Add kluski into the pot, only a few at a time. Make sure not to overcrowd the pot, otherwise, they’ll stick together. For kluski made with 1 kg (2-2.2 lb) of potatoes, it’s recommended to cook them in 3-4 batches.

Step 12

Initially, kluski will sink to the bottom. That’s why it’s a good idea to stir the water from time to time, so that they don’t stick to the bottom (or to each other).

Step 13

Once kluski start to float, continue cooking for another 3 minutes or so (cooking, but not boiling!). Remove with a slotted spoon, onto a warm serving plate, lightly greased with butter. Repeat the process until you’re out of kluski.

Step 14

Pour the kluski over with melted butter, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve as a side dish; or with sauces of your choice.