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moist & tender chocolate mug cake | ready in 1 minute!


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 1 minutes

Servings: 1


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Step 1

Grease a microwave-safe mug or mason jar with at least an 8-ounce capacity and set it aside.

Step 2

In a small bowl, place the flour blend, cocoa powder, baking powder, salt and sugar, and whisk to combine well.

Step 3

Add the butter and milk, and whisk until well-combined and smooth, working out any clumps of cocoa powder that may have formed. The batter will be smooth and thickly pourable.

Step 4

Pour half of the batter in the prepared mug or jar, add the 3 chocolate wafers or chips, and cover with the remaining cake batter in an even layer.

Step 5

Place the mug in your microwave oven and cook at about 1000 watts for 1 minute. (See Recipe Notes about microwave wattage.)

Step 6

Test with a toothpick to see if it comes out clean. If not, cook for up to another 20 seconds at about 1000 watts. Allow to cool briefly before serving.

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