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pasta alla genovese (6-hour beef & onion sauce)


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Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 360 minutes

Total: 390 minutes

Servings: 8


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Step 1

Season the 4 pieces of beef lightly with salt and pepper. Add olive oil to a large, heavy bottomed pot (like a Dutch Oven). Preheat over medium-high heat for 5 minutes. Add beef and brown each side for 2 minutes per side.

Step 2

Remove beef and set aside on a plate. Add carrots, celery, and pancetta to the pot, and sauté for 3-4 minutes.

Step 3

Hour Turn heat to low. Add 2 pieces of the beef back into the pot. Then add half of the onions to the pot. Then add the other 2 pieces of beef. Then add the rest of the onions. Cover pot and let cook on low heat for 1 hour.

Step 4

Hour Shift around beef so that the bottom 2 pieces are on the top, and the top 2 pieces are on the bottom. Stir around the onions as well. You’ll notice the onions will still look quite raw. Don’t worry! Re-cover your pot and let cook for another hour over low heat.

Step 5

Hour Do the same process of shifting around the meat and onions. Re-cover and let cook for another hour over low heat.

Step 6

Hour Onions will still look quite raw. Add bay leaf, parmesan rind and a ½ cup wine. Make sure the bay leaf and rind are submerged in the contents of the pot. Simmer on medium-low heat, uncovered, for 1 hour.

Step 7

Use a fork and knife to remove beef from pot, place on a plate, and cut into small pieces (pieces about half of what would be considered bite-sized pieces). The beef likely won’t shred at this point; you’ll need to cut it!

Step 8

Hour Place beef pieces back into pot. Add final ½ cup of wine. Simmer, uncovered, for 1 hour on medium-low heat. Stir occasionally.

Step 9

Hour Remove bay leaf and rind. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Over medium heat, cook for 20-60 more minutes (uncovered), until beef is shredded and the sauce is reduced. Sauce is done when the beef is shredded and the sauce no longer looks like a soup, but there’s a decent amount of liquid left for a moist, beautiful sauce.

Step 10

Keep sauce on very low heat (covered) while boiling pasta, or until you’re ready to serve!

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