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sourdough cinnamon raisin bread


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 20 hours

Cook Time: 50 minutes

Total: 20 hours, 50 minutes

Servings: 24


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Step 1

Begin with a very active recently fed starter. It should pass the float test.

Step 2

Set a large bowl on a digital food scale set to grams and press the tare button. The scale should read zero.

Step 3

Pour in the water to weight of 650 g. Press tare.

Step 4

Pour in 300 grams of starter. Press tare. The starter should form a floating mass on the water.

Step 5

Add the oil. Press tare

Step 6

Add the honey. Press tare.

Step 7

Whisk together the starter, oil, honey and water until they are mixed.

Step 8

Add the 1000 grams of flour.

Step 9

Mix the flour into the water/starter with a dough hook, spatula and your wet hands until you have a shaggy ball of dough.

Step 10

autolyse 1 hour.

Step 11

Sprinkle salt across dough.

Step 12

spritz with water bottle and work in the salt with wet hands.

Step 13

Rest 30 mins

Step 14

PREPARE RAISINS: Put the raisins in water and set aside. They will plump as they absorb water for a better finished baking result.

Step 15

Begin Stretch and Folds. You need 4 rounds of stretch and folds 30 mins apart. See video for technique.

Step 16

BEFORE the second stretch and fold cut the dough in half if you only want ONE loaf for cinnamon raisin bread. The other make as plain.

Step 17

Incorporate the plumped raisins into the dough in the second and third stretch and folds. Half in one then half in the other.

Step 18

Fourth stretch and fold all the raisin will be blended evenly throughout the dough.

Step 19

Refrigerate overnight.

Step 20

Remove from fridge and warm to room temperature. (ABOUT TWO HOURS)

Step 21

( If you have not yet divided the dough for loaves) Divide the dough into two equal dough balls by weight.

Step 22

Bench rest an hour until dough is elastic.

Step 23

De-gass dough with rolling pin and shape for pans as shown in post.

Step 24

Spray the dough with water and evenly sprinkle with Half the cinnamon sugar.

Step 25

Fold the outside edges of the dough to the center and close the seam. Sprinkle remaining cinnamon sugar on the top.

Step 26

Fold the FRONT corners of the rectangle to the center seam.

Step 27

Roll the dough up tucking it as you roll to keep the roll tight.

Step 28

Flatten the seam and pinch the ends.

Step 29

Place the formed dough loaf into your oiled bread pans.

Step 30

let dough do a final rise in bread pans covered loosely with plastic until they reach the top of the loaf pans.

Step 31

Do an egg wash(optional) on top of the dough before baking.

Step 32

Score the dough with a sharp wet blade. Make one deep slash down the length of the loaf for best rise.

Step 33

Preheat oven with a pizza stone(or baking sheet) and broiler pan on oven shelf below at 400°.

Step 34

Loaf pans go on top of a sheet pan onto the stone(If you have one).

Step 35

Spritz loaves very liberally with water bottle just before going into oven.

Step 36

Pour water about 1/2 inch deep in the broiler pan. This creates steam.

Step 37

Keep steamy for first 15 mins. Spray hot oven with water as you begin baking the loaves.

Step 38

After 15 mins turn oven down to 375°.

Step 39

Bake an additional 30-35 mins.

Step 40

Turn loaves for even browning.

Step 41

Using a digital thermometer check internal Temp of loaf. It is done at 200°. If you don't have a thermometer pop loaves out to test for hollow on bottom. Or thump the loaf. Does is have a hollow sound?

Step 42

Remove from oven and cool on racks to room temperature before cutting the bread.

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