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thai pumpkin soup with coconut milk {vegan}


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 40 minutes

Total: 50 minutes

Servings: 6


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Step 1

Remove the roots and stalky ends from the fresh cilantro. Wash the leaves and dry in a salad spinner or paper towel before roughly chopping. Wash the roots and stalks well to remove any dirt clinging to the roots. Shake off any water and finely chop.

Step 2

Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat before adding the onion and garlic. Cook until the onion becomes translucent.

Step 3

Add the ginger, lemongrass and cilantro. Cook until the stalks become soft before adding the pumpkin.

Step 4

Toss the butternut pumpkin in the oil and cook for 5 minutes. Add the vegetable stock and bring to a boil before reducing the heat to lower. Cook for 30 minutes or until the pumpkin is tender. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.

Step 5

Pour the soup into a blender and blend until smooth. Add most of the chopped cilantro leaves reserving some to garnish the soup. Blend until the soup is speckled with flecks of green.

Step 6

Return to a clean saucepan and add the coconut milk. I like to only add half the milk, reserving the rest for garnish. Serve with shaved coconut, the remaining cilantro leaves and chili peppers, if using for garnish.

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