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vegan eggplant lasagna


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Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total: 105 minutes

Servings: 8


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Step 1

Peel the eggplant and slice it thinly.

Step 2

Place the eggplant slices in a colander over a bowl or in the sink. Sprinkle about a teaspoon of salt on the eggplant slices. Toss the slices in the colander. Cover with a paper towel. Leave at least one hour to let the moisture from the eggplant drain from the colander.

Step 3

Use a paper towel to rub off the salt and extra moisture from the eggplant.

Step 4

Preheat the oven to 350° F/ 170° C. Spread about one-third of the Vegan Tomato Sauce on the bottom of a deep baking dish.

Step 5

Cover the tomato sauce with a layer of eggplant slices. The slices can overlap slightly in order to cover the whole bottom surface.

Step 6

Pour some sauce over the eggplant slices so the whole layer is covered.

Step 7

Sprinkle about a third of the cheese on top of the tomato sauce.

Step 8

Repeat adding tomato sauce, eggplant slices and cheese for two more layers.

Step 9

Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil. Bake in the oven about 20 minutes. Uncover the baking dish and bake about 10 minutes more or until the top is golden brown. Make sure the eggplants are cooked.

Step 10

Cover the baked eggplant lasagna and let sit a few minutes before serving. There may be a little liquid on the bottom of the dish from the eggplants, but don't worry about this. The liquid will disappear when you serve leftovers. If you eat gluten you could sprinkle a little flour in the first layer of tomato sauce.

Step 11

Serve and enjoy.