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w-3 oil
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Reduced spikes in blood glucose that can trigger excitability and sensitivity in a horse following a starch-heavy mealLowered risk of hind gut acidosis and intestinal discomfort that arises from feeding high-grain dietsIncreased muscle glycogen stores that supply lasting energy for high-intensity exercise

Step 2

How many kcals in a 100 ml serving of W-3? 0 votes QHow many kcals in a 100 ml serving of W-3? A100 mL of W-3 oil provides 950 kcal We have an older donkey (at least 20+ years old). She has been getting worse with her arthritis, and we been doing research into supplements and had come across your product. We know this can be used with horses but we're wondering about the use in donkeys? 0 votes QWe have an older donkey (at least 20+ years old). She has been getting worse with her arthritis, ...... Read more AW-3 oil can safely be fed to donkeys! You may also consider supplementing MSM powder to her diet to improve joint health. My barn requires some pre-mixed horse grain. Can this product be mixed with feed 4-5 days prior to feeding? And what if the grain has added visceral and optimum supplement? 0 votes QMy barn requires some pre-mixed horse grain. Can this product be mixed with feed 4-5 days prior t...... Read more AIdeally, w-3 oil should be kept in an air-tight container prior to feeding as the omega-3s and vitamin E in the product are sensitive to light and air. Keeping it in a capped syringe for your barn to dispense prior to feeding may be a good option for you. Also, our digestive supplements (like Visceral and Optimum) should be top-dressed immediately before feeding to ensure the live probiotics in the product remain viable. Can I use w-3 oil and spirulina together 0 votes QCan I use w-3 oil and spirulina together AYes, w-3 oil and Spirulina can be fed together. Is it okay to feed the W3 oil and Omneity? I see that they both have vitamin e and wanted to make sure it wouldn’t be too much. Thank you! 0 votes QIs it okay to feed the W3 oil and Omneity? I see that they both have vitamin e and wanted to make...... Read more AYes, Omneity and w-3 oil are safe to be fed together. If your horse is getting additional vitamin E supplements, it is best to consult with an equine nutritionist or veterinarian to ensure safe dosages. How does this oil compare to the Equine Omega Complete please? I am considering ordering yours. I have a Cushing’s horse and a horse that is currently being rehabbed w. Suspensory. Please advise. Thank you! 0 votes QHow does this oil compare to the Equine Omega Complete please? I am considering ordering yours. I...... Read more AEquine Omega Complete (EOC) is similar to our w-3 oil in that it is an omega-3 supplement that supplies DHA, the most available form of omega-3s. EOC uses fish oil to supply DHA, while w-3 oil uses microalgae which is a more environmentally friendly and palatable way to supply DHA. Interestingly, fish actually get their DHA from consuming microalgae so with w-3 oil, you're going straight to the source! Cost-wise, EOC costs around $27 per L, while w-3 oil is considerably more cost-effective at $11 per L. In EOC you get ~1g of DHA per 120ml while w-3 oil supplies 1.8g per 120ml serving. Both products are great at supplying DHA, but w-3 oil will be a better bang for your buck, so to speak. A previously answered question says there is a pump available for this product for $4, but I cannot find that anywhere on the site. How many mL does the pump dispense per pump and how can I order one? 0 votes QA previously answered question says there is a pump available for this product for $4, but I cann...... Read more AHi Amber, We unfortunately don't pumps in stock at the moment that work with our new packaging. We are working on trying to get a reliable supply. In the meantime, you may find that a veterinary syringe available at most tack shops is a more reliable way to measure out the oil! You sell & ship to the U S A? 0 votes QYou sell & ship to the U S A? AYes, we provide free shipping across the US for all orders over $40 What dose do you recommend for a horse with heaves? He is on a hay diet with no grain, beet pulp as a carrier for his vitamin and mineral supplement. 0 votes QWhat dose do you recommend for a horse with heaves? He is on a hay diet with no grain, beet pulp ...... Read more AHi Denise,This depends on your horse's body condition. If your horse is at a healthy body weight, a 100 mL feeding rate per day is recommended. If your horse is overweight, a 30 - 60 mL feeding rate is recommended. For heaves, you can also look into Spirulina which has been shown to support respiratory health. How long typically do users start to notice a change in the coat or arthritis of their horses? 0 votes QHow long typically do users start to notice a change in the coat or arthritis of their horses? AWithin a couple of months for the coat. With regards to the arthritis, it may take longer or it may not actually get noticeably better if there is too much cartilage degradation in the joint. What it will do is slow down the further degradation though, by reducing the inflammatory response. I would like to use w-3 oil to support an arthritic horse, but I am concerned about weight gain with this oil. How much can I feed to gain the joint health benefits but to prevent or minimize weight gain? 0 votes QI would like to use w-3 oil to support an arthritic horse, but I am concerned about weight gain w...... Read more Aw-3 oil is a great option of arthritic horses, the DHA in w-3 oil has excellent research support for helping arthritic horses. There may be other aspects of the diet that can be adjusted to minimize weight gain while feeding w-3 oil. You can submit your horse's diet and one of our equine nutritionists can give you their feedback! What can I do for my horse who will not eat the w-3 oil when I first introduce it? 0 votes QWhat can I do for my horse who will not eat the w-3 oil when I first introduce it? AWe suggest introducing the oil a little bit at a time. Give just a few drops at first or you can mix it with a grain that your horse likes. The oil can also be soaked with the feeds you are giving. You may need to give it a few tries - horses have an incredibly good sense of smell! But the majority of customers report that this is one of the most palatable and easiest supplements to get your horse to eat! Can you tell me the recommended temperature range for storage. Do you have any recommendations for storage in the winter/summer 0 votes QCan you tell me the recommended temperature range for storage. Do you have any recommendations fo...... Read more AIdeally, it would be stored at 5 to 20 degrees Celsius. Higher temperatures will speed up oxidation and shorten the shelf life of the product. Lower temperatures are ok, you might get some gelling of the product if it gets too low that won't go back in solution, but it would still be safe to feed. I have a PPID (cushings) whom we suspect of IR as well. Does this contain any sugars or starches? He’s a hard keeper, and just looking to supplement some added fat without having to buy 3 different things. 0 votes QI have a PPID (cushings) whom we suspect of IR as well. Does this contain any sugars or starches?...... Read more AStephanie - No, w-3 Oil does not contain sugar or starch. It is a safe energy source for horses with PPID. Is it safe to give W-3 oil to my pregnant horse? 0 votes QIs it safe to give W-3 oil to my pregnant horse? AYes, it is safe to give w-3 Oil to a pregnant horse. However, we recommend all pregnant horses to undergo a diet evaluation with our nutrition consultant first before starting any new supplement. You can submit your horse's diet for analysis at If the oil freezes in the tack room, will this affect it in any way? 0 votes QIf the oil freezes in the tack room, will this affect it in any way? AIt may lead to some separation, shake vigorously and it should be fine. How does w3 oil compare to canpressco oil? 0 votes QHow does w3 oil compare to canpressco oil? AHi Michelle - Camelina oil has an omega-3 fatty acid profile similar to flax, but it is just more expensive. Our w-3 Oil is a combination of flax oil, soybean oil, DHA, and natural vitamin E. W-3 oil is mainly used to specifically supplement DHA, the long-chain omega-3 fatty acid typically found in fish. We use an algal source of DHA, as it is a more sustainable source and also more palatable. DHA has been shown to improve cognitive function, reduce inflammation, improve joint function, and improve cardiovascular performance to name a few of the benefits. All mammals can synthesize DHA from ALA (the omega-3 fatty acid found in plant sources like camelina and flax), but the conversion is less than 1%, so supplementation is the only way to achieve significantly higher levels in the body. How is the omega 3 higher than omega 6 when the primary ingredient in this product is soybean oil with a much higher omega 6:3 ration 0 votes QHow is the omega 3 higher than omega 6 when the primary ingredient in this product is soybean oil...... Read more AHi Summer - The reason we use soybean oil in the w-3 Oil formulation is to enhance palatability and increase stability of the DHA. DHA oxidizes rapidly and is not palatable on it's own. The addition of DHA and flax oil brings the omega-3:6 ratio in line to around 3:1. Can I feed this to a horse with Cushings/PPID? I have an older cushings horse that needs to gain a tinny bit more wight. We are already doing beet pulp. 0 votes QCan I feed this to a horse with Cushings/PPID? I have an older cushings horse that needs to gain ...... Read more AYes, this can be fed to a Cushings/PPID horse I had a bottle and at the end there was a fair bit of sediment in the bottom that was fairly solid, that went to waste. Like an inch worth? What is it? 0 votes QI had a bottle and at the end there was a fair bit of sediment in the bottom that was fairly soli...... Read more AHi Catherine,Sometimes part of the product might solidify and settle to the bottom over time. The best way to avoid this is to keep the oil in a consistent room-temperature environment and shake it up regularly. The solids at the bottom are completely safe to feed to your horse and are rich in DHA. We have recently reformulated the product to make it less likely for solids to form at the bottom of the container. How does w-3 oil compare to feeding hemp oil? 0 votes QHow does w-3 oil compare to feeding hemp oil? Aw-3 is specifically formulated to provide high levels of DHA, which is only found from marine sources. Hemp oil is like most other vegetable oils in that it contains higher levels of omega-6 than 3, with the exception of flax or camelina oils. Hemp does contain some GLA, which other vegetable oils do not, nor does the w-3. The benefits of GLA are less clear than the numerous studies showing the positive health benefits of supplementing DHA in the diet. Hello, is the Soybean oil non gmo? 0 votes QHello, is the Soybean oil non gmo? ANo - The soybean oil that is in our w-3 Oil is not non-GMO. I am looking at your w-3 Oil omega 3 product. I see a dha number on it but no epa. Can you tell me what the levels are per serving? 0 votes QI am looking at your w-3 Oil omega 3 product. I see a dha number on it but no epa. Can you tell m...... Read more AThere is no EPA in our product or at least very low levels. How does your w-3 Oil compare to Camelina oil? I see they have different omega 3:6 ratios. How would the effects of the two ratios compare? 0 votes QHow does your w-3 Oil compare to Camelina oil? I see they have different omega 3:6 ratios. How wo...... Read more Aw-3 Oil has an omega 3:6 ratio of around 3:1. Camelina oil has a ratio of 1.2-1.6:1.The w-3 oil is really a DHA supplement, which is only found in algae and fish oil. It's meant to supplement DHA, as there is none in the normal diet of the horse and the conversion of ALA to DHA in all mammals is quite poor - so providing DHA in the diet is the most effective way for increasing levels. DHA is a potent anti-inflammatory, helps with focus, heart health etc.When looking at ratios, you really have to analyze the whole diet. For example, corn oil is high in omega-6, but if you're only adding a little bit, the overall omega-3:6 ratio is not going to be impacted much as the forage portion will be contributing a significant portion of the omega-3 fatty acids.If you're feeding a lot of grain/fat supplements on the other hand, it may be skewing the diet higher in Omega-6 then you would definitely want to look at adding flax or camelina oil to bring the ratio back to 1:1. How efficiently can horses absorb DHA if it is not normally part of their diet? 0 votes QHow efficiently can horses absorb DHA if it is not normally part of their diet? AFatty acids are all efficiently absorbed. There are a lot of studies in this field. Can your w-3 oil be given to dogs? 0 votes QCan your w-3 oil be given to dogs? AOur w-3 Oil can be given to dogs. Is w-3 Oil or Camelina Oil better for horses with arthritis? 0 votes QIs w-3 Oil or Camelina Oil better for horses with arthritis? AOur w-3 Oil is much higher in omega-3 fatty acids than camelina oil. High levels of dietary omega-3 fatty acids can certainly help with arthritis. It will save you money and work better. Do you sell pumps for the oil jugs? 0 votes QDo you sell pumps for the oil jugs? AYes, we carry pumps in stock. The cost is $4 and it can be added on to your order. I am wondering if your W3 oil would also assist with weight gain or maintaining weight? 0 votes QI am wondering if your W3 oil would also assist with weight gain or maintaining weight? AIf the goal is just to put on weight, canola oil is the least expensive option. w-3 contains DHA which helps with joints, focus and general health and is not found in any plant based oils. All oil/fat are essentially the same caloric density, so as to the efficacy of weight management, they would all be equal. How does W-3 Oil compare to Equine Omega Complete? 0 votes QHow does W-3 Oil compare to Equine Omega Complete? ACompared to EOC, our w-3 Oil is much more cost-effective (about half the price) and contains a better overall balance of fatty acids, with a blend of soybean and flax oils. It also contains high levels of DHA, which is an omega-3 fatty acid sourced from marine sources. EOC uses fish oil, which can sometimes be hard to get horses to eat. Our DHA source is derived from marine algae, so there is less of a smell and it is generally better accepted.

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