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whole grain sourdough bread with psyllium husk
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 40 minutes

Cook Time: 35 minutes

Total: 1 hours, 15 minutes


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Step 1

Mixing, Gluten Development, First Rise

Step 2

Mix the pysllium husk powder and about 60 grams of the total water in a small bowl. Cover and let gelatinize.

Step 3

In a large bowl, mix together the flour, starter, salt, and 400 grams of water. Use 20-40 grams more water if the whole wheat flour you chosen is a strong red wheat. Cover and let the dough sit for about 15 minutes.

Step 4

Add the psyllium gel to the dough by squishing it in with your hands then slapping and folding the dough on a clean work surface.

Step 5

Return the dough to the bowl or put it in a straight-walled container. Mark the level of the dough and let it rest 20-30 minutes. Do a round of stretching and folding, another 20-30 minute rest, and a second round of stretching and folding. Add more water during these steps if the dough seems to be getting too dry from the psyllium husk.

Step 6

Let the dough rise until it has expanded by about 75%.

Step 7

Shaping, Final Proof

Step 8

On a clean work surface, shape the dough into a boule, batard, or oblong loaf. Place it seam-side up in a proofing basket and cover.

Step 9

Let the dough rise again for 40-60 minutes at room temperature, then in the refrigerator overnight or for 8-16 hours. If the ambient and dough temperatures are over 75°F, refrigerate the dough sooner or even immediately after shaping. If you prefer a less sour bread, bake the same day by only proofing at room temperature for 1-2 hours.

Step 10


Step 11

Preheat your oven and baking vessel to 500°F for 30 minutes.

Step 12

Flip the dough out of the proofing basket and onto a sheet of parchment paper and score it.

Step 13

Bake as follows, noting that the time with the lid on has been increased to yield a lighter-colored loaf than the recipe photo. If you want a dark bread like the photos, take the lid off after 20 minutes.

Step 14

500°F for 15 minutes, lid on

Step 15

450°F for 10 minutes, lid on

Step 16

450°F for 10-15 minutes, lid off

Step 17

The high moisture content of this dough makes the bake time relatively long. When it is done, the bread should have an internal temperature over 205°F and sound a bit hollow when you knock on the base.

Step 18

Let the bread cool for several hours or even a full day before you slice it.

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