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“skip the bun” crunchy cheeseburger salad with monterey jack & special sauce
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Total: 15 minutes

Servings: 2


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Step 1

• Wash and dry produce.• Trim and discard root end from lettuce; roughly chop.Reserve ½ tsp pickle brine (1 tsp for 4 servings) in a smallbowl; drain and discard remaining brine and roughlychop pickle. Dice tomato.• Stir ½ tsp Fry Seasoning and ¼ tsp sugar into bowlwith reserved pickle brine (1 tsp Fry Seasoning and ½ tspsugar for 4). (You’ll use the rest of the Fry Seasoning inthe next step.)

Step 2

• Heat a drizzle of oil in a large pan over medium-highheat. Add beef*, remaining Fry Seasoning, salt, andpepper. Cook, breaking up meat into pieces, untilbrowned, 3-5 minutes. TIP: If there’s excess grease inyour pan, carefully pour it out.• Stir in stock concentrate and ¼ cup water (1⁄3 cup for4 servings). Cook, stirring, until liquid has absorbed andbeef is cooked through, 2-3 minutes more. Transfer toa plate.

Step 3

• Meanwhile, to bowl with pickle brine mixture, addmayonnaise, ketchup, and half the mustard (all for4 servings). Stir until well combined.• Add water 1 tsp at a time until mixture reaches adrizzling consistency.

Step 4

• In a large bowl, toss lettuce with half the dressing andhalf the tomato.• Divide salad between bowls. Top with beef, MontereyJack, pickle, and remaining tomato. Drizzle withremaining dressing and serve.Ground Beef is fully cooked when internal temperature reaches 160°.