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bbq pineapple & chicken flatbreads with caramelized & pickled onion
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Total: 35 minutes

Servings: 2


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Step 1

• Place a foil-lined baking sheet on toprack (for 4 servings, place 2 foil-linedbaking sheets on top and middleracks) and preheat oven to 450 degrees.Wash and dry produce.• Halve, peel, and thinly slice onion.Drain pineapple over a small bowl,reserving juice. Stir ¼ of the onion, halfthe vinegar (you’ll use the rest later),and a pinch of salt into bowl withjuice. Set aside.

Step 2

• Heat a drizzle of oil in a large pan overmedium heat. Add remaining onion;cook, stirring and adding splashes ofwater as needed to prevent sticking,until softened, 6-8 minutes.

Step 3

• While onion cooks, halve, core, andvery thinly slice green pepper intostrips. Toss in a second small bowlwith a small drizzle of olive oil, salt,and pepper. Dice mozzarella into½-inch pieces.Pat chicken dry with papertowels; season all over with salt andpepper. Heat a drizzle of oil in asecond large pan over medium-highheat. Add chicken or sausage; cook,stirring frequently, until cookedthrough, 4-6 minutes.

Step 4

• Once cooked onion is softened,increase heat under pan to mediumhigh. Add pineapple; cook, stirring,until pineapple is lightly browned,2-3 minutes.• Stir in remaining vinegar. Cook,stirring, until onion and pineapple arecaramelized and jammy, 1-2 minutesmore. Turn off heat and season withsalt and pepper.

Step 5

• Brush or rub each flatbread with asmall drizzle of oil. Remove preparedbaking sheet from oven; carefully placeflatbreads on sheet. (For 4 servings,divide flatbreads between bothprepared sheets.)• Evenly spread flatbreads with BBQsauce, then top with caramelizedonion and pineapple, green pepper,Monterey Jack, and mozzarella.Top flatbreads with chickenor sausage.

Step 6

• Return flatbreads to top rack untilcheese melts and edges aregolden brown, 10-12 minutes. (For4 servings, return to top and middleracks; swap rack positions halfwaythrough baking.)• Transfer flatbreads to a cutting boardand top with pickled onion (drainingfirst) to taste. Slice into quarters, dividebetween plates, and serve.Chicken is fully cooked when internal temperature reaches 165°.