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canadian fried dough pastry


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 55 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total: 75 minutes

Servings: 18


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Step 1

In a large mixing bowl, stir together the yeast, warm water and pinch of sugar.

Step 2

Allow to stand a couple of minutes to allow yeast to swell or dissolve.

Step 3

Stir in remaining sugar, milk, vanilla, eggs, oil, salt, and the flour to make a soft dough.

Step 4

Knead by hand or with a dough hook for 5 minutes, adding flour as needed to form a firm, smooth, elastic dough.

Step 5

Place in a greased bowl. Place bowl in a plastic bag and seal. If not using the dough right away, you can refrigerate it.

Step 6

Let rise in a covered and lightly greased bowl about 30-45 minutes.

Step 7

Gently deflate dough. If dough is coming out of the fridge, allow to warm up for about 40 minutes before proceeding.

Step 8

Take a piece of dough the size of a golf ball and roll out into an oval.

Step 9

Heat about 4 inches of oil in a wok or frying pan. Temperature of the oil should be about 385°F.

Step 10

Before putting in oil, stretch the ovals into a tail shape, thinning them out and enlarging them, like a beaver’s tail.

Step 11

Add 1-2 dough pieces at a time to the hot oil.

Step 12

Turn once to fry until the undersides are dark brown.

Step 13

Lift the tails out with tongs and drain on paper towels.

Step 14

Fill a large flat bowl with a 2 cups of white sugar.

Step 15

Put the tails in sugar with a little cinnamon and shake off excess.

Step 16

You can add jam, Nutella or a few drops of lemon juice!

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