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chinese dumplings (potstickers) recipe


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Prep Time: 35 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total: 50 minutes

Servings: 36


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Step 1

In a large bowl, combine all pork filling ingredients until well combined.

Step 2

You will need a clean workspace, wonton wrappers, prepared pork filling, a small bowl of water, and chopsticks.

Step 3

Begin by filling the wonton wrapper with about a tablespoons worth of pork filling. Wet your finger, and run along the edges of the wonton wrapper. This will help to seal it closed.

Step 4

If your wrapper is round, fold the wrapper over the filling to create a half-moon shape, pinching the edges to seal. If you wrapper is square, scroll up to view the step by step images of how I fold my dumplings into a little purse dumpling.

Step 5

Once you have filled the dumplings you can freeze them or eat them fresh.

Step 6

Place the dumplings in a single layer on a cookie sheet and freeze for about 30 minutes.

Step 7

Then place in a ziplock baggie, where they can be frozen for up to 3 months.

Step 8

Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the skillet and place dumplings in an even layer. Fry for a few minutes until bottoms are golden.

Step 9

Add 1/3 cup of water and cover with a tight fitting lid. Cook until the water has boiled away and then uncover and reduce heat to medium or medium low.

Step 10

Let the dumplings cook for another 2 minutes then remove from heat and serve with soy sauce and thinly sliced green onions.

Step 11

Place dumplings in a steamer basket on a single layer of cabbage leaves or a piece of parchment paper and steam for about 8 minutes.

Step 12

Whisk together all ingredients and serve in a shallow bowl to dip your potstickers in! You can make this ahead and store it in the fridge for up to a week.