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coronation–style turkey & charred aubergine
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Total: 1 hours

Servings: 7


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Place a griddle pan over a high heat and leave to get really hot. Meanwhile, pop the turkey, curry paste and yoghurt in a large mixing bowl, and toss to completely coat the meat. Next make your charred aubergine. Turn your gas hob on to high, then prick both the aubergines with a fork all over. Sit them directly on the flame. Cook for 5 to 10 minutes, turning every now and then. You want to get that nice charred flavour. (If you don’t have a gas hob, pop them under a hot grill for 5 to 10 minutes, turning every now and then.) Once charred all over, leave to cool for 5 minutes in a bowl covered with clingfilm. Once the aubergine has cooled, peel off the skin and mash up the flesh, chopping through it with a knife to turn it into a chunky dip. Pick the mint leaves, then finely chop. Peel and finely grate the garlic, then deseed and finely chop the chilli. Put it all into a small bowl, reserving half the chilli and chopped mint, along with 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. Mix well, then stir half of this dressing into the mashed aubergine along with sea salt and black pepper, to taste. Set aside. Peel and cut the onion into wedges. Once the griddle is hot, spoon in the marinated turkey, and add the onion wedges, and cook for 10 minutes, or until charred and crispy, turning regularly. Meanwhile, chop the lettuce into wedges, and bash the seeds out of a pomegranate. Roughly chop a handful of pistachios, then set to one side. Heat the flatbreads in a frying pan set over a high heat until warmed through, then serve with a good dollop of aubergine and the charred turkey and onion. Top with a little extra yoghurt, the little gem wedges, pomegranate seeds, chopped pistachios and the remaining mint leaves and red chilli. Drizzle with the rest of the chilli dressing to finish.