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creamy brazilian lemonade


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Servings: 5


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Step 1

Scrub limes clean with soap and a brush or rough side of a sponge. Some limes have a waxy coating, you want to make sure this is scrubbed off because we’re using the peel.

Step 2

Cut off the ends of all 4 limes and then roughly chop, leaving the peel on.

Step 3

Add half the limes, half the water ,and half the sugar to a blender or large food processor. Blend for about 10-15 seconds.

Step 4

Using a mesh strainer, strain the blended mixture into a pitcher. Discard the strained pulp.

Step 5

Repeat process with the second half of the ingredients.

Step 6

Once the second round is complete, stir the sweetened condensed milk into the pitcher until smooth.

Step 7

Adjust sweetness to personal preference and serve over ice.