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creamy lemon chicken pasta


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total: 30 minutes

Servings: 3


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Step 1

Bring water to boil in a pot and cook linguini noodles according to package instructions. Drain when noodles are done and set aside (see Note 1).

Step 2

Cube chicken tenderloins. Coat chicken pieces with a few pinches of salt and black pepper.

Step 3

Heat skillet with 1 tbsp of unsalted butter. Once butter is melted (before it turns brown), add chicken tenderloins.

Step 4

Sear chicken under medium high heat until they are slightly brown on the outside and cooked on the insides. Remove chicken and set aside.

Step 5

Add the rest of the butter to skillet, and scrap the bottom of the skillet to remove any brown bits so it is incorporated into the butter. Add garlic, and stir for 10-20 seconds or until fragrant (before they turn brown).

Step 6

Add lemon juice and lemon zest, stir. Then slowly add half and half (make sure it is in room temperature or warm, see Note while stirring constantly. Bring to a boil.

Step 7

Lower heat to medium and add parmesan cheese. Stir to incorporate parmesan into the sauce.

Step 8

Turn heat off. Bring linguini and chicken pieces back to skillet. Toss to coat pasta and chicken in sauce. Taste and add salt and black pepper to taste to open up the flavors even more.

Step 9

Serve with more parmesan cheese and chopped parsley if desire. Enjoy!