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diy almond butter (oil-free, 1-ingredient, so easy}


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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total: 5 minutes

Servings: 2


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Step 1

Place the almond in the blender or food processor. Process on low speed (blender) until finely  chopped. Scrape the sides of the bowl/container, especially the corners.

Step 2

Process again (higher speed for blender) for 60 to 90 seconds until almonds begin to clump together (it will look a bit like crumb topping). Scrape and then blend again for 1 to 2 minutes until a cohesive butter forms.

Step 3

You can stop at this point (for a thick butter), or scrape the bowl and blend again for 1 to 3 minutes until the nut butter has a dripping quality.

Step 4

Scrape into storage container(s) and store in the refrigerator until ready to use.

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