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gorditas recipe


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total: 20 minutes

Servings: 16

Cost: $0.11 /serving


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Step 1

Mix together masa harina, water and salt to create a dough. Roll the dough into 16 little balls. Heat a large skillet, griddle or comal over medium-high heat.

Step 2

Lightly flatten a masa ball in between two sheets of plastic wrap using a tortilla press or a flat plan. Make sure not to press it down too much as it will become too thin like a normal corn tortilla. You want it about twice as thick as a normal tortilla.

Step 3

Remove the flattened masa from the plastic wrap and place it on the hot griddle. Let it cook for about 10 to 15 seconds, flip it over and let that side cook for another 10 to 15 seconds.

Step 4

Flip it over one more time and cook each side for about 1 minute, until it has beautiful brown spots.

Step 5

At this point, you should notice that the gordita inflates a little bit and starts to bubble up in the middle or the sides. This is exactly what you want. Lightly press down on the sides of the gordita with a spatula or other utensil to help it inflate even more. Remove it from the griddle, place it on a plate and cover it with a light kitchen towel.

Step 6

As soon as you can handle and hold the gordita (it should still be hot but not hot enough to burn you), use a butter or paring knife to cut a slit down the edge of one side. The gordita should open up and create a pocket.

Step 7

Fill gordita with desired fillings and enjoy!

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