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homemade hot chocolate mix


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Prep Time: 15 minutes

Total: 15 minutes

Servings: 20


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Step 1

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together, powdered milk, confectioners sugar, unsweetened cocoa powder, white chocolate, milk chocolate, and powdered coffee creamer.

Step 2

Store hot cocoa mix in a tightly sealed container.

Step 3

When ready to make a cup of hot cocoa add 2 tablespoons of mix into a hot cup of milk.

Step 4

Stir mix into the hot milk until mixed. Serve and enjoy.

Step 5

To make floating snowmen- grab 3 large marshmallows and a pretzel stick, insert a pretzel in the middle of two (the body), add another pretzel stick and add the top (head) of the snowman to create the full body.

Step 6

Now add arms and legs by inserting pretzels on the sides of the body and the bottom for the legs.

Step 7

In a small dish add a tablespoon of chocolate syrup and a drop of black food gel. With a toothpick dip into the syrup and then apply the syrup to the snowman to create the eyes, mouth, and buttons.

Step 8

Finally cut jelly beans in half and then trim the sides to create a triangle. Apply to create the nose and your snowman is now ready to float.