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homemade pasta
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 90 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total: 95 minutes

Servings: 6


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Step 1

On a clean surface, place the flour in a mound and use your hands to form a next in the center. Add the eggs, olive oil, salt and water to the center of the nest.

Step 2

Use a fork to gently break the yolks of the eggs and slowly stir the center of the nest incorporating a little of the flour walls at a time until a dough has formed. Use your hands to finish working all the flour in.

Step 3

Knead the dough for about 8-10 minutes. It’s a stiff, dry dough but it will come together into a smooth dough. Once the dough has all come together and is smooth, wrap in plastic wrap and set it in the fridge to rest for an hour. You can leave it overnight if you wish, but be sure to get it come to room temp before rolling out.

Step 4

Cut the dough into four pieces and use your hands to shape the first section into a small flat oval. Wrap the remaining three sections in plastic wrap until you are ready to roll them out.

Step 5

Feed the oval piece of dough through the pasta maker on the number 1 setting. Fold the pasta into book folds, which is the two end folded in until they touch in the middle and then folded in half. Run through the pasta maker on setting 1 two or three more times before moving through the next settings on your pasta maker until the pasta is the desired thickness (I prefer setting 6 on my pasta maker.) If the dough is becoming tacky or sticky dust it with a little bit of flour. Additionally, if the dough is becoming much too long to handle you can cut it in half and work each half separately.

Step 6

Run the dough through the pasta maker using the cutting attachment to cut the shape of noodles you would like. Dust the final noodles with flour and either hang on a pasta rack or make them into pasta nests and let them rest for about 30 minutes on a floured surface.

Step 7

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Boil the pasta for 60-90 seconds. Toss with your favorite sauce and enjoy!