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homemade pita bread


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Servings: 8


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Step 1

Take flour, yeast, sugar, salt, baking powder in a mixing bowl.

Step 2

Give it a mix. Make a dent in the middle, add luke warm water and a tsp of oil.

Step 3

Gather and knead well for 10 mins. I used my bread maker to knead, but you can knead with hands until smooth.

Step 4

Keep the dough in a greased mixing bowl. Oil the surface of the dough too. Cover with a damp towel (without touching dough) or clingwrap the mouth of the bowl. Set aside for 1 hour.

Step 5

After 1 hr, it will double in volume. Punch down and knead to make it smooth again. Dust the surface generously, to avoid sticking.

Step 6

Divide into 8 equal sized balls. Keep the dough and balls covered all the time to prevent drying.

Step 7

Roll each ball with dusting the surface generously. I rolled roughly around 6 inch roughly.Preheat oven to it's highest 250 deg C. Use the tray inverted. Over which dust slightly. I place 3 per batch.

Step 8

Insert the tray to top rack (I used top second) and bake for 2-3 mins. It should puff up within this.

Step 9

Do not bake for longer as it can make it crisp or chewy.

Step 10

Take out and cool over wire rack or wrap in a clean kitchen towel.