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how to make milky keto chicken feet stock
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 6 hours

Total: 6 hours, 10 minutes

Servings: 8


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Step 1

Most chicken feet come pre-prepared and cleaned.  So all you have to do is place into a large pot of water and bring to the boil.

Step 2

I like to toss out that first batch of water so that any scrum or bits on the chicken feet is removed from the stock early on.

Step 3

After you refill the pot with fresh water, add in all the vegetables (this really helps to flavor the stock).

Step 4

Now, bring the water to a boil and then put the lid on and keep the stock on a low simmer for 6+ hours.

Step 5

When it’s done, just pour the stock through a strainer to remove all the vegetables and anything else.  That way you’ll end up with a pure stock to use.

Step 6

Refrigerate them in glass mason jars or other glass containers.  You can also freeze them to keep them for longer.