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japchae - korean glass noodles


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Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total: 60 minutes

Servings: 10


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Step 1

Cut beef into thin strips, against the grain.

Step 2

Make beef marinade in a large bowl. Add the beef, mix and let it sit for a few minutes.

Step 3

Boil 8-10 C of water in a pot and cook the dangmyeon according to package instructions(e.g.6 min) or until the noodles become clear and is soft all the way to the center of the noodle.

Step 4

Drain cooked noodles. While noodles are still warm, season with soy sauce, sugar and sesame oil. Cut the noodles with scissors a few times.

Step 5

Boil salted water (6 C water + 1 tsp salt). Quickly blanch spinach in boiling salted water. Do not cook the spinach more than 40 seconds. Spinach should be still a bit chewy and not too mushy.

Step 6

Shock cooked spinach in cold or ice water, drain and squeeze gently to remove excess water.

Step 7

Season the blanched spinach with some salt (1/2 tsp) and sesame oil (1 tsp). Set aside.

Step 8

If using dried shitake and/or wood ear mushrooms: soak them in some warm water for 10-20  min or so until they are fully hydrated.

Step 9

Clean the fresh or rehydrated mushrooms by rubbing each mushroom under cold running water.

Step 10

Cut shitake mushrooms into thin strips. Cut wood ear mushrooms into wide strips. Set aside.

Step 11

Julienne carrots and onions and set aside.

Step 12

Saute each of the ingredients separately and let them cool. Saute ingredients one by one in the following order: onions -> carrots -> mushrooms -> beef. Just wipe off any excess oil and crumbs with a paper towel after cooking each ingredient and you should be good to go!

Step 13

- Add 1 T oil in frying pan on medium heat. Add onions and sprinkle a pinch of salt. Saute until onions become transparent but not brown. Remove

Step 14

- Add 1 T oil in same pan. Add carrots and a pinch of salt. Saute carrots until they are soft and tender. remove.

Step 15

- Add 1 T oil. Add mushrooms and a pinch of salt. Saute for 3 mins or so and the mushrooms should be done.

Step 16

- Add 1/2 T oil in frying pan on medium-high heat. Saute the beef until they are fully cooked. If there are any extra juices in the pan, cook a little more until it's evaporated.

Step 17

Transfer each of the onions, carrots, mushrooms and beef to a plate and let them cool.

Step 18

Add all the cooked vegetables and beef to the noodles and mix them altogether. Sprinkle some toasted sesame seeds. Adjust the seasoning with more soy sauce and sugar as needed.

Step 19

Unless you like things really bland,  it will taste much better if you add more soy sauce, (1~2 Tbsp), sugar (1~2 tsp) and sesame oil (1 Tbsp) as the final finishing touch. Amount is based on 200g dangmyeon.