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lavender lemon macarons


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Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total: 35 minutes

Servings: 12


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Step 1

Into a medium bowl, sift almond flour and confectioners’ sugar thoroughly twice.

Step 2

In a large stand mixer bowl with a whisk attachment, add in egg whites and mix until frothy. Slowly add in granulated sugar and cream of tartar. Whip until there are hard peaks. Add in lavender extract, lemon juice, and lemon zest. Continue to mix on low until combined. The amount of purple food coloring you use is up to you and how deep you want the color to be!

Step 3

Sift in the almond flour and confectioners’ sugar mixture to the egg white mixture. Use a spatula to fold in the almond flour/confectioners’ sugar. Continue to do this until well combined but DO NOT OVER MIX. To test, drop batter and and if the edges still appear after 10 seconds, then mix a bit more and try again. If the edges do not appear, then the batter is ready to go.

Step 4

Transfer batter into a pastry bag with the extra large piping tip.

Step 5

On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, pipe out 1.5 inch rounds. They should be at least 1.5 inches away from each other.

Step 6

Tap baking sheet a few times to a hard surface to pop any bubbles inside to macarons to avoid cracking in the oven.

Step 7

Let the macarons dry for 20-30 minutes before baking.

Step 8

Heat the oven to 300°F and then bake for 17-19 minutes. The macarons are done when you can easily remove one of the tray.

Step 9

Let cool for 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to continue cooling.

Step 10

While the macarons are cooling, start on the filling. In a large bowl, whip butter using a mixer. Add in the powdered sugar, salted butter, honey, lemon, and food coloring and continue to whip until well combined.

Step 11

Transfer frosting to a pastry bag with the medium piping tip. Fill the inside of half of the macarons before placing the remaining macarons on top of the filled macarons.