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maple syrup candy


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 12 minutes

Total: 45 minutes

Servings: 20


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Step 1


Step 2

Before you start making maple candy, it's important to calibrate your thermometer.

Step 3

Boil water in a pot.

Step 4

Insert the thermometer into the boiling water.

Step 5

In a large and heavy-bottomed pan, pour the maple syrup.

Step 6

Heat the maple syrup to 243-244°F, which is 32°F above the boiling point of water. Remember to check the boiling water temperature beforehand to ensure accuracy.<

Step 7

id="instruction-step-8">While it's heating, prepare your molds or a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.<

Step 8

id="instruction-step-9">Remove the pan from heat and let the mixture cool down to 185°F.

Step 9

id="instruction-step-10">Start mixing the mixture for about two minutes until the color becomes lighter before.

Step 10

id="instruction-step-11">Quickly pour the mixture into candy molds or onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Step 11

id="instruction-step-12">If done correctly, it will take about 10 minutes for the candy to harden. Then, remove the candy from the molds or break it into pieces if you used a baking sheet.

Step 12

id="instruction-step-13">Share & enjoy 🙂