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orange and lemon marmalade
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 40 minutes

Total: 1 hours, 15 minutes

Servings: 1

Cost: $9.79 /serving


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Step 1

Let's move on to making the orange and lemon marmalade. Citrus peels are also used in this recipe. As a result, it is critical to have 100% organic fruit available in order to avoid the presence of pesticides, which are harmful to health.

Step 2

Peel the citrus fruits with a small knife or a potato peeler, being careful not to leave the white part attached to the peel, and cut into small pieces. Heat a pot of water and blanch the skins three times, changing the water and adding cold water as needed.

Step 3

Peel the oranges and lemons raw, removing all traces of the white spongy part, then cut into small pieces and remove any seeds. Add the sugar to a stainless steel pot.

Step 4

Add the previously drained skins, mix well, and wait for the sugar to dissolve. Stir frequently and scrape away any yellow foam that forms on the surface.

Step 5

Allow the jam to thicken. Turn off the heat, pour a few drops into a saucer, let it cool, and check that it has reached the desired consistency. Fill perfectly sterilized small glass jars with the very hot mixture, leaving an inch of space around the rim, then close and turn over.

Step 6

The vacuum will be created in this manner. Allow to completely cool before storing in the pantry. The orange and lemon marmalade has finished cooking!