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perfect homemade pie crust


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Prep Time: 20 minutes

Total: 140 minutes

Servings: 10


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Step 1

Place the flour and salt in a large bowl, and whisk to combine.

Step 2

Add the oil, stirring until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.

Step 3

Cut the butter into thin slices and toss in the flour mixture to coat.

Step 4

Dribble ice water in, a tablespoon at a time, mixing just until the mixture can hold it’s shape.  (You may need slightly more or less water.)

Step 5

Tumble the dough out of the bowl and onto a large sheet of plastic wrap.

Step 6

Use the plastic wrap to gather the dough into a disc shape, then wrap the dough tightly and press down on it firmly to compact it.

Step 7

Chill the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Step 8

Flour the work surface, rolling pin, and the chilled dough lightly, then divide the dough into 2 equal portions.

Step 9

Roll each portion out to ¼” thickness, and fold into thirds. Fold into thirds again, then one more time.

Step 10

Refrigerate for one more hour, or freeze for later use.

Step 11

If frozen, thaw the dough in the refrigerator overnight.

Step 12

Unwrap the dough and roll to about two inches larger than the diameter of your pie plate.

Step 13

Slip the dough into the ungreased pie plate, and prick the bottom with a fork. Refrigerate while preparing the filling.

Step 14

Baking time will vary according to pie filling (see notes above, under the heading "How Long to Bake Pie Crust). Crust should be a deep golden color, and flaky.