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sausage & egg freezer breakfast bagels


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 25 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total: 40 minutes

Servings: 6

Cost: $2.62 /serving


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Step 1

Preheat your oven to 375 °F.

Step 2

Grease a 9x13 pan. Beat the eggs and pour into the pan. Place in the oven and bake for 15 minutes, or until done. Remove and cool slightly.

Step 3

In a large skillet, fry the sausage patties until done. Remove and drain on paper towel.

Step 4

If you are making only the sausage and egg ahead of time, complete step # 6, then freeze the egg and sausage in single serving packets. If you want to make the entire thing, continue on to step #5.

Step 5

Toast the bagels and set on a plate.

Step 6

Once you can touch the egg pan, use a  2 1/2  or 3 inch biscuit cutter or glass and cut out 6 circles. Keep the rest of the egg for salad toppings or eat as is. ( we will eat them with salt and pepper right away).

Step 7

Dampen 6 paper towels.

Step 8

Cut out 6 sheets of parchment paper that are slightly larger than an average paper towel.

Step 9

Lay the paper towel on the parchment paper, centered.

Step 10

Place one half of the bagel in the center of the paper towel.  Top with an egg patty, followed by a sausage patty, followed by a cheese slice. Place the other half of the bagel on top.

Step 11

Fold one end of the paper towel/parchment over, then the other. ( see video for exact way). Twist the ends of the paper together and tuck underneath. Place in a freezer safe, sealing plastic bag.

Step 12

Repeat until all 6 bagels are done. You can refrigerate these for up to 3 days and simply re-heat, or you can keep them in the freezer until needed, these will last up to a month.

Step 13

These (and all other frozen breakfast sandwiches)  turn out better if you can defrost them even for 20 minutes before you microwave them, but if you are stuck for time, heat for 20 seconds in the wrapping to defrost slightly. Remove and take the bagel apart into two pieces - one half with the sausage and cheese and the other with egg on top and place the two pieces onto a plate. Microwave until warmed through. Remove and let it cool enough so that you can eat it.

Step 14

If you prepared only frozen egg/sausage packets, toast a bagel lightly. While it's toasting, microwave the egg and sausage until hot. Place on bagel and top with cheese.

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