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squid ink pasta with squid and wine


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total: 45 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Cut squid tubes into bite size rings. Cut tentacles in half, making them bite size but leaving tentacles intact with the base.

Step 2

In a large pot of water, salted water, cook the pasta according to directions. If it is homemade squid ink pasta, it cooks quickly, otherwise a store bought squid ink linguini cooks in about the same time as regular pasta does, about 11 minutes.

Step 3

Once cooked, drain off the water, leaving the cooked pasta in the large pot and drizzle the fresh lemon juice and olive oil over the pasta and lightly toss.

Step 4

White Wine Sauce

Step 5

In a large saucepan bring olive oil, garlic, capers, celery, pepper flakes and wine to a slow simmer.

Step 6

Add squid and salt. Stir gently until the squid begins to change color, about 5 minutes or until no longer opaque. Do not over cook.

Step 7

Pour the squid and white wine sauce over the cooked pasta and gently toss.

Step 8

Place small bundles of pasta in each dish. Place the cooked squid on top of the pasta. Selectively place the blanched asparagus. Drizzle the hot broth across each dish and sprinkle the chopped fresh cilantro or parsley on top with a bit of lemon zest on each plate.

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