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tonnarelli pasta


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total: 55 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Reserve a couple of tablespoons of flour. Tip the remaining semolina flour onto the work surface and make a well in the middle.

Step 2

Break eggs into the well in the flour

Step 3

Using a fork (or fingertips) whisk the eggs like you’re making scrambled eggs. As you whisk, bring in a little bit of semolina flour from around the edges and incorporate it into the eggs.

Step 4

Keep working more semolina flour into the dough. A pastry scraper is useful or just use your hands.

Step 5

Add more flour as needed. The dough should not be sticky. If you are rolling by hand do not add too much flour.

Step 6

If the pasta dough is too dry, knead in a little water one teaspoon at a time. If the pasta dough is to wet, knead in a little flour to adjust.

Step 7

Knead the dough for 8-10 minutes until it is smooth. You’ll feel the change in the dough.

Step 8

Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and allow it to rest for 20-30 minutes.

Step 9

Cut off a small piece of dough and keep the remaining dough covered.

Step 10

Adjust the pasta machine rollers at the widest setting.

Step 11

Press the portion of dough flat into a thick rectangle and dust lightly with semolina flour. Guide through the rollers.

Step 12

Fold into half and pass again through the widest setting. Repeat this 6 to 8 times until the dough is smooth. Dust lightly with semolina as needed.

Step 13

When the dough is smooth and has been folded a few times, start to reduce the settings of the rollers one setting at a time. For tonnarelli the pasta should be quite thick - a little under ⅛ inch or 2-3 mm. On my Imperia pasta machine I used setting #3.

Step 14

Set aside on floured tablecloth to dry for about 20 minutes while you roll out the remaining dough. Turn the sheets over to assist drying.

Step 15

Select the cutter attachment which will cut the pasta as wide as it is thick.

Step 16

Guide the pasta sheets through the cutter.

Step 17

Gather up the tonnarelli and spread out onto a floured cloth.

Step 18

Repeat with remaining pasta sheets.

Step 19

Bring a large pot of water to the boil.

Step 20

When boiling, add two or three tablespoons of salt.

Step 21

Put the tonnarelli into the boiling water and stir to make sure nothing sticks.

Step 22

Cook the tonnarelli for 4-5 minutes or until tender but still firm. Check by tasting.

Step 23

Drain well and mix with desired sauce.

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