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vietnamese pork noodle bowls (bun thit nuong)


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Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Pickle – In a large bowl, dissolve the salt and sugar in the hot water. Stir in vinegar. Add carrots and daikon – they should just about be covered.

Step 2

2 hours – Leave for 2 hours until slightly floppy. Drain well then use per recipe.

Step 3

Nuoc cham sauce - Mix ingredients together. Until sugar is dissolved.

Step 4

Vermicelli noodles - Soak in boiling water for 5 minutes (or per packet directions). Drain, rinse under tap water, then cool and drain thoroughly (nobody likes watery noodles!).

Step 5

Toppings - Prepare all the other toppings, ready to use.

Step 6

Cook pork per the recipe.

Step 7

Assemble bowls - Place noodles in a bowl. Top with lettuce, pickled vegetables, cucumber and bean sprouts. Slice pork, place 2 steaks on each bowl. Top with herbs, sprinkle with peanuts and sliced chilli. Add a lime wedge.

Step 8

Serve with nuoc cham on the side so everybody can help themselves. Douse generously! Dive in and eat!

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