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chao goi ga (vietnamese chicken salad with congee)


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Prep Time: 60 minutes

Cook Time: 90 minutes

Total: 150 minutes

Servings: 10


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Step 1

Rub the chicken with salt on the inside and out, then rinse with water.

Step 2

Smash 2 red shallots and the ginger, then quarter the onion.

Step 3

Bring the water to a boil and add the quartered onion, smashed red onion and ginger, salt and chicken bouillon powder.

Step 4

While it's still boiling, dunk the chicken in, holding it by the neck. Lift it back out of the pot to let the water run out of its body and repeat this step 3 times before submerging the whole body in.Note: This step is done to refill the insides with hot water because it helps to cook the meat more evenly.

Step 5

Cook for 30 minutes or until just cooked with the lid partially on. Tip: To check if it's cooked, poke a chopstick through the flesh because any clear liquid gushing out means it's ready. If it's red, let it cook for longer.

Step 6

At the same time the chicken's cooking, wash, clean and add the gizzard, heart and liver, then add it into the broth while scooping the scum every 15 miutes.

Step 7

Meanwhile, thinly slice the remaining red shallots and fry them in oil for 5 minutes using a low-medium heat or until golden.

Step 8

Put the peanuts in a small saucepan and toast them on a low heat for 10 minutes or until golden brown. Let them cool and pour them into a ziplock bag.

Step 9

Crush the peanuts using the back of a knife.

Step 10

When the chicken is cooked, plunge it into an ice bath to stop the cooking process. Straight after that, scoop all the organs out and add them into the ice bath as well.

Step 11

Wash the rice grains and pour them into the stock, then cook for 1 hour on a low-medium heat or until it has reached the desired consistency.Note: Make sure to stir often to prevent the rice from sticking to the pot.

Step 12

Combine the sugar, water and vinegar until the sugar has dissolved. Following that, thinly slice the red and brown onions and add them to the mixture. Keep them in the fridge as you work on the other steps.Tip: Use a bowl that is large enough to fit all the onions.

Step 13

Start preparing the Goi Ga by washing and thinly slicing the cabbage into a large mixing bowl.

Step 14

Roughly chop the Vietnamese coriander and thinly slice the kaffir lime leaves, then add it to the cabbage.

Step 15

Take the chicken out of the ice bath and shred the meat into the salad bowl.

Step 16

Save the bones from the shredding and put them back into the congee for extra flavor.

Step 17

Cut the organs into smaller pieces (or to preference) and add them into the congee, then season with fish sauce.

Step 18

Julienne the carrots and add them to the mixing bowl.

Step 19

Drain the pickled onions and lay them over the julienned carrots, then top with the crushed peanuts and sliced chili.

Step 20

Mix the salad well and drizzle with Vietnamese Dipping Sauce (Nước Mắm) to taste. Serve fresh alongside the hot congee garnished with pepper, spring onion and coriander!

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