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dill bread
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 40 minutes

Total: 55 minutes

Servings: 2


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Step 1

Combine the flour, cottage cheese, water, dehydrated onion, granulated onion, yeast, sugar, kosher salt, dill weed, dried parsley, and dried dill see (if using), into a large bowl. Mix until a shaggy ball forms. Then knead together until the dough comes together to form a smooth ball, about 6 minutes by hand, or 4 minutes in a stand mixer with a dough attachment.

Step 2

Return the dough to the bowl, and cover with a tea towel, allowing the dough to rise in a warm place for about 15 minutes.

Step 3

Divide the dough in half, and form two tight round balls. Place the dough balls onto a parchment lined baking sheet, about 6 inches apart.  Dust each loaf with flour and use a sharp knife or a lame to slash the tops of the loaves about ¼” deep. This will prevent the sides from blowing out during the baking.

Step 4

Arrange the racks in your COLD oven, so that one rack is on the very bottom position, and the second rack is in the middle. Place the baking sheet with the loaves on the center rack, and on the bottom rack, fill a baking pan, or other oven proof baking dish on the lowest rack, filled with boiling water.  Close the oven door and set the heat to 400 degrees. Set the timer for 40 minutes for the bread to bake.

Step 5

After 40 minutes, remove the loaves from the oven. The crust should be deep brown and firm. Using an instant read thermometer, the internal temperature of the bread should be above 200 degrees. Allow the loaves to cool completely on a wire rack before slicing.