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homemade bread


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Servings: 16


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Step 1

Add warm water and yeast to the bowl of a stand mixer.

Step 2

Add the butter, egg, sugar, salt and 2 cups of flour.

Step 3

Using the dough hook attachment, turn the mixer on low and allow ingredients to begin mixing. (Butter does not need to be fully incorporated at this point.)

Step 4

Gradually add the 3rd cup of flour as dough continues to mix.

Step 5

Dough should begin to pull away from sides of bowl as it mixes. Gradually add approximately 1/4 cup more flour. You want the dough to pull away from the sides of the bowl and come together in a single mass. It will be slightly sticky to the touch.

Step 6

Turn mixer up (as directed in mixer instructions for kneading dough) and allow to knead for 5 minutes. Dough should feel smooth and elastic.

Step 7

Turn dough out onto lightly floured surface and pull into a ball. Place in greased bowl and loosely cover with greased plastic wrap. Allow to rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about 60-90 minutes.

Step 8

Punch dough down and turn out again onto lightly floured surface. Shape dough into a rectangle that's approx 8x12 inches.

Step 9

From one short side, roll dough into log shape and pinch seam. Place in a greased 9x5 loaf pan. Cover loosely with greased plastic wrap.

Step 10

Allow dough to rise again until doubled, about 45 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Step 11

Bake approximately 30 minutes until top of bread is well browned and loaf sounds hollow when tapped on.

Step 12

Turn loaf out onto a cooling rack to cool. Brush top with melted butter if desired. Cool completely before slicing for best results.

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