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how to make guava wine


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Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 1 minutes

Total: 21 minutes

Servings: 10


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Step 1

1 Large latex balloon - (11-16 inches when inflated)

Step 2

1 or 2 strong rubber bands

Step 3

1 Gallon size bottle or jar (This is your wine making container plastic or glass is fine)

Step 4

Large Stock Pot

Step 5


Step 6

Large Stock Spoon (metal or plastic)

Step 7

Bottles to store the final product of wine

Step 8

Begin by washing your hands with warm water and disinfectant soap.

Step 9

Sterilize all your tools, pots, bowls, bottles, and area with boiling water.

Step 10

Add the 5 liters of water and brown sugar on a medium heat into the stockpot, stirring until completely dissolved.

Step 11

Once the sugar is dissolved, remove it from the heat and cool to room temperature.

Step 12

Wash and rinse the guavas and place them into a pre-sanitized bowl.

Step 13

Place the fruit into the wine-making container by cutting them into chunks small enough to fit through the bottle's opening or mash the guava and pour it into the container using a pre-sanitized funnel.

Step 14

If using any or a combination of any of the optional ingredients at this time, repeat Steps 4-6 and add to the wine-making container.

Step 15

Once the sugar water has cooled to room temperature, add the yeast and stir until completely dissolved before adding to the wine-making container.

Step 16

Wash the balloon with warm water and disinfectant soap to ensure it is properly sterilized and make sure it has no holes.

Step 17

Cover the opening of the wine-making container with the sterilized balloon and the rubberband(s) to create a seal.

Step 18

Place the container in a cool dark place where it will not be disturbed and allow it to rest there for around 6 weeks.

Step 19

As the weeks pass, check on the wine to see the balloon has inflated. This happens theĀ gasses are released during the fermentation process.

Step 20

Once the balloon deflates, which should happen around week 6, the wine should be ready, and you may move on to the next step.

Step 21

Carefully pour the liquid from the container without disturbing the sediment using a strainer or cheesecloth to filter the wine and remove any residue.

Step 22

DO NOT try to remove more liquid by pressing or squeezing it from the sediment as this will make for a cloudy wine; discard the residue.

Step 23

Pour the wine into sterilized bottles that can be sealed.

Step 24

Serve at room temperature or chilled.

Step 25

Store with a tight seal in a dark, cool place. Note the longer it is stored, the stronger the wine.

Step 26

A 1-gallon bottle of filtered water can be used for your wine-making container.

Step 27

Brown or white sugar can be used; however, brown sugar will increase the alcohol content and add to the color and flavor.

Step 28

You do not have to use the balloon, and an alternative option would be to cover the wine-making container with something that would allow the gasses to escape and prevent anything from getting into the wine. For instance, some cheeseclothĀ is secured over the opening with rubber bands.

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