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low fodmap flourless chocolate cake
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 20 hours

Cook Time: 40 hours

Servings: 10

Cost: $5.63 /serving


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Step 1

Preheat the oven to 170ºC (340ºF) fan bake. Line a 23cm (9 inch) cake tin with baking paper (both the base and the sides) and then lightly grease the paper.

Step 2

Make a strong black coffee (you'll use two tablespoons of the coffee liquid later) and break the chocolate into small pieces. Separate the egg yolks and whites into separate bowls. Make the pumpkin seed or almond meal as needed by weighing out the pumpkin seeds or almonds, placing them in a food processor and then pulsing until the seeds/nuts turn into a coarse sand texture (I actually did this step in my NutriBullet).

Step 3

Pop the chocolate and the dairy free spread or butter into a large bowl. Place over a large pot of simmering water or melt in the microwave in short 20 second bursts until the chocolate and butter have melted, stirring regularly.

Step 4

Next stir through the sugar, black coffee, vanilla, and cinnamon. Keep over the heat until the sugar has dissolved. Remove from the heat and mix through the ground pumpkin seeds or almonds.

Step 5

Lightly beat the egg yolks and stir into the chocolate mixture.

Step 6

Using electric beaters or a cake mixer, whip the egg whites until they form firm peaks. Stir one large spoonful into the chocolate mixture to loosen it. Then gently fold through the rest of the egg whites, until any large lumps are gone.

Step 7

Spoon into the prepared tin and bake for 40 to 50 minutes until the cake has risen and set. A skewer inserted into the outside edge should come out clean, but it's normal for the centre to be slightly gooey. It's also okay if the top develops a crust and cracks a little bit.

Step 8

Let it cool in the tin before transferring onto a plate. Dust with cocoa powder, then serve with your choice of low FODMAP yoghurt, ice cream or dark chocolate sauce.

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