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no yeast sourdough pizza crust


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Servings: 2


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Step 1

In a large bowl, use a wooden spoon or dough whisk to combine water with sourdough starter. Add the flour and continue stirring until the flour is totally hydrated and no dry spots remain. Set aside at room temperature for 1 to 2 hours.

Step 2

After resting the dough, sprinkle the salt over the surface and incorporate by gently kneading a few times right in the bowl. I find keeping a small bowl of water nearby helps with this process. The dough will be quite soft and loose to start; don't worry about kneading it smooth at this stage, just fold and turn until you don't see or feel the salt crystals anymore. Cover the bowl loosely with a lid or damp kitchen towel and set aside.

Step 3

After 30 minutes, perform first set of coil folds. Use wet hands to loosen the dough from one side of the bowl. Lift one side of the dough, stretching it up and folding under itself two times. Repeat this with all 4 sides.

Step 4

Cover the bowl again and set aside. Continue resting the dough, performing coil folds every 30 minutes for a total resting time of 3 hours.

Step 5

After your final set of coil folds, cover bowl and allow to sit at room temperature for 3 hours. The dough should be gassy, glossy, and very smooth.

Step 6

At this stage, the dough can be refrigerated overnight or up to 72 hours before shaping and baking; or it can be frozen - see notes section at bottom of recipe for freezing instructions. Or if you are ready for pizza NOW it can be divided in half and gently pressed and stretched into 12 inch rounds for pizza. (Lightly flour the dough and your work surface - I recommend doing this on parchment to make transfer to the oven much easier- do not use a rolling pin. You want this dough to be bubbly.)

Step 7

Top with whatever you love, just don't go too heavy on the sauce or toppings and weigh down the beautiful dough.

Step 8

You will bake these pizzas in a pre-heated 500 degree oven on a pizza stone or baking steel preferably. I bake mine for 6-7 minutes. Just keep an eye on them as all ovens are quite different.