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roasted banana caramel swirl ice cream
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Total: 30 minutes

Servings: 1


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Step 1

Put the sugar in a frying pan and heat gently, swirling the pan gently until dissolved. Turn up the heat and cook until the colour of a rusty penny. Carefully add the butter and swirl until fully dissolved. Add the bananas to the caramel and cook for 5-10 minutes until softened, glazed and caramelised. Carefully take the bananas out of the pan and put into a high-powered blender and whizz to a purée. Add the cream to the caramel and stir until dissolved. Pour into a bowl, allow to cool slightly, then cover the surface with clingfilm.

Step 2

For the custard base, put the whole milk into a pan and heat until just simmering. Whisk the eggs together with the condensed milk and liquid glucose. Pour the hot whole milk over the egg mixture, whisking all the time, then tip into a clean pan. Cook gently for 10-15 minutes, stirring all the time, or until slightly thickened and the custard coats the back of a spoon. Whisk in the blended bananas, pour into a bowl, cover the surface with clingfilm and cool.

Step 3

Tip into an ice-cream machine and churn until thick. Add spoonfuls of the ice cream into a container, alternating with drizzles of ¾ of the caramel sauce, so that it will ripple when scooped. Freeze completely and serve scoops drizzled with the left-over sauce.

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