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Step 1
Set a wire rack in a rimmed baking sheet; mist the rack with cooking spray. Place the chicken breast up on a cutting board. Use a sharp paring or boning knife to cut through the skin that connects the leg to the breast until the leg falls away from the carcass. Bend back the leg to pop the joint out of its socket. Continue cutting, hewing close to the bone to make sure as much meat as possible stays with the leg, until the leg is cut free from the body. Remove the other leg in the same way.
Step 2
Turn the carcass on its side. While pulling the wing away from the carcass, make an incision at the base of the wing joint, then bend the wing back to pop the joint out of its socket. Cut through the joint to separate the wing from the breast. Remove the other wing in the same way. If desired, cut away the wing tips from each wing section; discard the tips or save for making stock.
Step 3
Using kitchen shears, cut along either side of the backbone, starting at the neck end and following the thin line of fat that runs to the point of then breast section; discard the backbone or save for making stock. Flip the breast skin side up. Using the heel of your hand, press down firmly on the thickest part until the wishbone snaps.
Step 4
Season the chicken parts with 2 teaspoons salt and 1 teaspoon pepper. Place the breast in the center of the prepared rack, then place a leg and wing on each side, allowing space between the pieces for air circulation. Let stand at room temperature for 1 hour. (The chicken can be refrigerated, uncovered, for up to 24 hours; let stand at room temperature for 1 hour before cooking.) After 45 minutes, heat the oven to 425°F with a rack in the upper-middle position.
Step 5
When the oven comes to temperature, pat the surface of the chicken dry with paper towels and coat with the oil. Roast until well browned and the thickest part of the breast reaches 160°F to 165°F and the thighs reach 195°F to 205°F, 50 to 55 minutes. Let rest for 15 minutes. Carve and serve.