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turkish ramadan pide (ramazan pidesi)


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Servings: 1


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Step 1

Mix the flours, yeast and salt. Add the water. Stir until you've formed a wet, homogenous dough. It doesn't need to be kneaded. Cover and leave to rise at room temperature until airy and doubled in size, 15-18 hours.

Step 2

Preheat the oven to its hottest setting, at least 250 C (480 F). If you've got a baking stone or pizza stone, place it on the second lowest shelf. If using, make sure the baking stone or pizza stone is thoroughly warmed through before baking.

Step 3

Tip the dough onto an unfloured surface. Sprinkle a small amount of flour on top. Using a dough scraper, flip the dough so the floured side is down. Stretch the edges of the dough and pull them towards the middle in 4-5 places. Flip again (so the firm, floured side is up), cover with a kitchen towel and leave until the dough has relaxed a little, 30-45 minutes.

Step 4

Spread some wheat bran on a sheet of baking parchment.

Step 5

Make the brushing liquid by whisking the egg yolk with water. Add the butter little by little, whisking constantly.

Step 6

Flour the dough on both sides. Don't overdo it, but make sure there aren't any wet spots on the surface. Carefully stretch to form a c. 30 cm (12 in) diameter circle. Transfer to the baking parchment covered with wheat bran.

Step 7

Brush the bread generously with the brushing liquid. Add a little of the mixture to your hands and make a pattern as shown in the pictures and video. Make sure the patterns are deep (but not going all the way through). I always run my fingers through the patterns multiple times to ensure it keeps. Sprinkle with sesame and nigella seeds.

Step 8

Bake the pide on the baking stone (or on a regular baking sheet) until coloured. In my oven, using a thick baking stone and a temperature of 300 C (570 F), 5-6 minutes suffices. If your oven isn't as hot, or you're not using a baking stone, it will take longer – perhaps up to 12-15 minutes or more. Make sure to watch your first batch carefully, and take note of how long it takes in your oven.

Step 9

Leave to cool on a wired rack. Ramadan pide should be eaten warm or within a few hours of baking.