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Export 14 ingredients for grocery delivery
Step 1
Simply mix and combine everything together. It's that easy!
Step 2
Add the soy curls to a large bowl and then cover them in the 4 cups of vegan chicken or veggie broth. Let them rehydrate for 10 - 15 minutes. Then drain and squeeze out the excess liquid.
Step 3
In a dry pan over medium heat, cook the soy curls for about 6-10 minutes, or until they start to brown slightly. This is just to dry them out even more so they have a chewier texture. Remove them from the heat and let them cool.
Step 4
Cover the soy curls in the marinade. You can either let them marinade for a few hours / overnight, or you can cook with them right now! I've tried both ways, and they really don't need to marinate all that long.
Step 5
To cook them, simply add them to a skillet or griddle over medium high heat. You may need to do this in batches, make sure you don't crowd the pan or they'll steam and not get browned. Let them cook undisturbed for about 4-5 minutes. Then toss them around. Repeat this until they are nice and browned to your liking!
Step 6
Heat up a pita or saj bread, and fill it up with the shawarma, some TOUM, Pickled Onions and whatever veggies and sauces you like! Enjoy!