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vegan walnut meat tacos


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total: 20 minutes

Servings: 6


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Step 1

Boil 2 cups of water and soak 1 cup of sun-dried tomatoes for 10 minutes until they are soft.

Step 2

Then, drain the water and place them in the base of the food processor with the large blade and process on high until they are chopped into little pieces.

Step 3

Next, add the raw walnuts and the remaining ingredients.

Step 4

At this point, you must PULSE the ingredients rather than process or high.

Step 5

As a result, the walnut meat should look a similar consistency to taco meat.

Step 6

You don't, however, want it to be too mushy by over-processing.

Step 7

Once processed, transfer the walnut meat to a bowl, and at this point, it can be served as raw walnut meat tacos, or, you can heat it in a pan for crunchier hot taco meat

Step 8

In order to heat the walnut meat, use a large non-stick skillet and cook over medium-low temperature until the taco meat is heated through (about 10 minutes)

Step 9

Heat the corn or flour tortilla in a skillet, microwave, or oven.

Step 10

For an added WOW level, put the walnut taco meat and other toppings on one side of the tortilla, fold it over, and cook it in the pan, making a hot, crunchy exterior taco shell.

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