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water borek


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 45 minutes

Total: 125 minutes

Servings: 12

Cost: $1.99 /serving


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Step 1

Break the eggs in a large mixing bowl and whisk lightly.

Step 2

Then into the same bowl add; water, milk and olive oil. Whisk all together so they are well combined.

Step 3

Oil a large baking dish or an oven tray with olive oil using an egg brush. Make sure you oil the sides too.

Step 4

Take a whole yufka and spread it onto the tray. Leave the corners laying out.

Step 5

Spread some of the milky mixture on top of the first yufka.

Step 6

Take the second yufka, rip it into half with your hand.

Step 7

Soak each piece one by one into the milky mixture and spread it gently on the first yufka.

Step 8

Take the third yufka and repeat what you have done with the second one.

Step 9

Spread evenly the cheese mixture.

Step 10

Take the fourth yufka and repeat what you have done with the second one.

Step 11

Now pack the corners of the first yufka on top as if closing the lids of an envelope.

Step 12

Take the fifth yufka, don’t rip it into half this time; but again soak it to the milky mixture. Spread it carefully as it is the last layer. Tuck the corners under the whole yufka pack as if you are making a bed.

Step 13

Cut the borek – now we call it – to square pieces in the size you plan to serve.

Step 14

Pour all the remaining milky mixture evenly – especially on the cut lines.

Step 15

Cover the tray with aluminum folio and keep it in the fridge so the yufka absorbs the milky mixture for about half an hour. You can do all this the day before, to make it even better.

Step 16

When you are ready to cook, remove the aluminum folio.

Step 17

Cook in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes until both sides are brownish. If the bottom is not ready lower the tray level in the oven and do the vise versa if the top is not ready.

Step 18

Serve after it cools for a while.

Step 19

Chrush or grate the cheese and mix with chopped parsley. Spread it all in the middle layer.

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